Many provinces have held provincial social work conferences with high specifications, so what issues have been discussed and what signals have been released?
Recently, multiple provinces have held provincial social work conferences. Some provinces also mentioned that this…
Personnel appointment news | Who are the members of the Chinese Olympic Committee
Which people can be members of the Chinese Olympic Committee? According to the official website…
From now on, the railway transportation in the Yangtze River Delta has started to accept offline registration for purchasing group tickets for migrant workers during Spring Festival.
On December 27th, reporters from The Paper learned from China Railway Shanghai Group Co., Ltd.…
The first train of Shanghai Airport Link will start at 6am and passengers who arrive at the station an hour earlier will receive gifts in advance.
At 6am on December 27th, the first section of Shanghai Metro Airport Line (from Hongqiao…
Urban Airport Line Starts Operation, Connecting More than Just Shanghai
In late December, news about Shanghai's transportation network construction has been continuously emerging. On December…
Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee survey: 98% white-collar consumers want to have household service robots
On the afternoon of December 26th, the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee and the Shanghai Consumer…
Shan Zhongde, the vice minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, took the position as the Party secretary of State Administration of Science and Industry for National Defense Technology.
Recently, the information on the "Leadership Window" column of the official website of the State…
Follow-up on “Dangerous Workshop for Disassembling Power Batteries”: Xinxiang in Henan Province to Hold a Thematic Meeting to Discuss Work for Their Inspection and Rectification:
On December 26th, the relevant department of Xinxiang Municipal Committee in Henan Province responded to…
National Bureau of Statistics: At the end of 2023, the number of employees in the secondary and tertiary industry legal entities nationwide reached 430 million.
On December 26th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the…
Several places commemorated the 131th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong, and the memorial hall and the old house in Shaoshan are open in the morning and afternoon today.
December 26th, 2024 marks the 131st anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong. In…
The Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway is running through, and the Yangtze River Delta will add more “same-city stories”.
The "Express Delivery Area" connection is becoming increasingly closer. On December 26th, the highly anticipated…
Kang Yi, Director of the National Bureau of Statistics: the number of second and third industrial units has increased significantly.
On December 26th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the…
Supreme Law: Put an end to the irregularity of impeding the public from attending the court trials in disguised forms and other non-standard judicial openness phenomena
The Supreme Law has required resolutely to stop irregular judicial openness phenomena such as prevent…
Personnel News | Who Can Become a Government Counselor
Who can serve as a government counselor? The Government Website of Gansu Province recently announced…
Have the developments in AI predicted by experts 10 years ago been achieved today?
As we are still several days away from the end of 2024, numerous new year…
Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway opens, see the “first road in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai” from Huzhou, the “heart of the Yangtze River Delta”
On December 26th, the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway, known as the "first highway in Jiangsu, Zhejiang…
Entry date is earlier than production date, so is the authenticity of the traceability code?
The溯源码 has been widely used in product circulation and sales as a traceable anti-counterfeiting means.…
The Ministry of Civil Affairs designated three platforms including Shuidichou as personal online service platforms for assistance.
The reporter learned from the Ministry of Civil Affairs that according to the relevant provisions…
The opening ceremony of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway was held at Huzhou East Railway Station, and the first train has just departed.
The first train of Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway G9508 (Huzhou East - Shanghai Hongqiao) reporter: Yu…
Annual Memory | “ChinaTravel” Fans All Over the World
On the afternoon of November 3, 2024, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, several middle school students from…
A farmer in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province was issued a fine of 100,000 yuan by the Market Supervision Administration for making a profit of 180 yuan from selling mutton.
At 3 p.m. on December 24th, the second instance of an administrative lawsuit was held…
Shanghai Hongqiao to Huzhou can be reached in 55 minutes, and the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway was officially opened today.
The Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway, connecting Shanghai via Suzhou to Huzhou, will be officially opened at…
Sanya limits the price of tourist rooms during Spring Festival, media: This practice can be followed by other regions.
According to the Hainan Special Zone News, the Development and Reform Committee of Sanya City,…
Having received three punishment before falling, why doesn’t this director in Sichuan know the meaning of regret?
On December 25th, the "Lianjie Sichuan" website disclosed that Yang Bin, the former director of…
Shanghai Immigration Inspection: The Number of People Crossing the Border Through Pudong International Airport Exceeds 30 Million This Year, Becoming the Top Airport in China
At 8 am on December 25th, Shanghai Airport Exit and Entry Inspection Station of Shanghai…
Pai survey|Disorder in the recycling of traction batteries: violent dismantling and reassembly of “three no-products”
News Flash: Chaos in the Recycling of Retired Power Batteries 暗访发现,退役动力电池的回收、再利用环节存在诸多乱象。一些低质量小工厂涉嫌非法回收、拆解和重组电池,导致产品质量无法保证,还存在安全隐患和环境污染问题。尽管政府近年来加大了监管力度,但行业内仍存在不规范现象。 这些工厂在处理退役电池时,多采用“打粉”、拆解组装等方式,不仅无法提供质保,而且使用寿命短,给消费者维权带来困难。同时,在运输环节也存在猫腻,为节省运输成本,不标明是电池运输,存在安全隐患。这些乱象不仅威胁消费者的安全,也影响了整个行业的可持续发展。 针对这些现象,业内专家呼吁加强监管和规范废旧动力电池回收和利用行业。建议加强日常监管和溯源管理,对电池进行全生命周期记录。同时,各部门应联合管理,形成长效执法机制,依法打击不合规范的企业,确保行业规范化发展。这些专家还提醒消费者提高警惕,选择正规渠道购买电池产品。 随着新能源汽车销量的增长和动力电池规模化退役大潮的来临,废旧动力电池的回收和再利用市场潜力巨大。然而,如何规范这个行业,特别是小作坊企业的生产和经营行为,是当前亟待解决的问题。否则,不仅会给消费者带来安全隐患,也会对环境造成潜在的威胁。
Guan Zhiou has been appointed as the Minister of Natural Resources.
According to Xinhua News Agency, the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th…
Zhu Xiaohua, 46, has been appointed as the president of Southwest University of Science and Technology. He was promoted to professor at the age of 33.
The updated official website of Southwest University of Science and Technology recently showed that Zhu…
The five-year report card of the Yangtze River Delta demonstration zone: 154 institutional innovation achievements have been formed in total
On December 25th, a press conference was held in Shanghai to announce the achievements of…
Personnel news | Where do the “online celebrities” of cultural tourism directors go?
In recent years, several "online celebrities" who are skilled at utilizing the internet and responding…
Supreme People’s Procuratorate: A total of 159 cases of press blackmail and fake news with 423 people involved have been handled from January to September this year
On December 25th, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released five typical cases of how the procuratorial…
Year-End Special Edition: Life Goes On | New Mother’s Year of Challenges
Chapter One: New Life The history of life is not only about grand narratives but…
Enhancing the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing: The Competition Kicked off in Shanghai.
Industrial design is a crucial force in promoting industrial upgrading and enhancing product competitiveness. From…
Vocational school student’s failure to fold his quilt leads to a week of power cut-off? School: It’s only the socket power was cut off, not the total room power.
A student in Sichuan Vocational College of Electronics and Information Technology lodged a complaint that…
Final Special Feature in 2024|Opening Remark: Remember the efforts of striving and running
In just a week, we will be crossing over to the next year, 2024, and…
“Break the senior-ranking system”: Thirteen people at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have been promoted to higher professional titles without following the regular promotion order this year.
On December 23rd, the China Social Sciences Network published an article titled "Title Promotion Accelerates…
Supreme Law: Severely punish crimes involving safety production qualification certificates, and those who deserve heavy punishment will be sentenced according to law.
In a case involving the forgery of state authority documents and seals, the court imposed…
From January 5th next year, the railway operation diagram of the Yangtze River Delta will be updated: a new circular high-speed railway will be added
Starting from January 5, 2025 at zero time, the national railway will implement the train…
Photo album | The first World Heritage Day of Spring Festival in 2025! Say goodbye to the dragon and welcome the snake with joy
联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第19次会议评审现场,中国代表团向大会赠送红包礼物。其中,春节习俗项目的现场红包赠予活动获得热烈反响。为庆贺春节申遗成功,中国代表团在会场展示剪纸作品,并在大厅播放春节习俗宣传片等。同时,在春节申遗成功的新闻发布会上,中国代表团介绍了春节习俗及相关的文化活动和旅游项目。至此,中国共有()项人类非物质文化遗产代表作列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录或名册。在上述非遗项目中已经列入急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录的是()。在发布会上介绍的剪纸作品应属于()。以下是关于中国非遗项目的详细介绍: 介绍内容中提到了春节习俗、昆曲、古琴艺术等共36项被列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录或名册。其中,剪纸艺术在其中被提及。同时,提到了羌年等七项被列入急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录的项目,并未提及剪纸艺术是其中之一。因此,剪纸作品不属于急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录项目。发布会上介绍的剪纸作品应属于人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录中的一部分。因此答案分别为“一共有【共有大标题后面跟着的实体的个数”(一共有已公布的全部实体个数)】项人类非物质文化遗产代表作列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录或名册”和“有(七彩文化的缩影具体类目对应的未格式化的集合实体列举)(如需精确个数请以该届公布为准)”和“中国剪纸”。以下是根据文中内容列举出的相关信息: 至今中国有(世界遗产包括世界级文化和自然遗产预备名单和世界地质公园以及知名非文化相关概念范畴的数量等概念)项人类非物质文化遗产代表作列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录或名册。其中列入急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录的有羌年、黎族传统纺染织绣技艺、中国木拱桥传统营造技艺等七项(具体类目以联合国教科文组织公布的为准)。剪纸作品不在急需保护的名单中,而是属于人类非物质文化遗产代表作的一部分。具体的非遗项目介绍如下: 自被列入以来,昆曲在中国和世界各地不断传播和发展,已经成为中华文化在海外的重要象征之一。古琴艺术则集演奏技巧和文化内涵于一身,被誉为“中华古琴文化艺术”的杰出代表之一。中国传统节日春节则是中华文化的重要组成部分,具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。此次春节习俗被列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录,进一步凸显了其在世界文化遗产中的重要地位和价值。此外,还有新疆维吾尔族的麦西热甫等各具特色的非遗项目也都充分展示了中国文化的多样性和丰富性。随着越来越多的非遗项目被列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录或名册,这些珍贵的文化遗产将得到更好的保护和传承,同时也为世界文化的多样性和交流互鉴做出了积极贡献。
Shunde, Guangdong: Fireworks and firecracker can be set off in a limited time and orderly manner during festivals such as Spring Festival, New Year’s Day and National Day.
On December 23rd, the official website of Shunde District Government in Foshan City, Guangdong Province,…
Governance | As Spring Festival approaches, carpooling home initiative organizers should clarify the boundary with illegal operation first
As the Spring Festival approaches, the demand for tickets becomes intense, making it difficult to…
CAS holds a meeting to discuss next year’s election of new academicians and other related work
The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) recently held an important meeting to discuss the election…
Shanghai Primary School Students’ Care and Protection Class will be launched in 2025 with 270 classes in total
Love Care Winter Holiday Classes for Shanghai Elementary School Students to Open in 2025. On…
Parents say the quality of school uniforms is poor, “easy to tear”. The store on behalf of the seller said they had already given feedback to the manufacturer and it could be exchanged.
Recently, Mr. Liang, a parent from Dongguan, Guangdong, reported to The Paper's public interactive platform…
Typical cases of criminal offense for illegally occupying cultivated land: someone builds houses, someone挖塘养鳖 (dug ponds to raise turtles)
The Ministry of Public Security reiterates its crackdown on illegal occupation of agricultural land and…
The number of “post-80s” city government heads has increased to seven.
According to the Yingtao City Integrated Media Center, the 29th meeting of the 10th People's…
Bearing the responsibility of being an economic powerhouse, Zhejiang Province clearly identifies 9 key tasks:
On December 23rd, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee held a press conference for the 15th…
The remote sensing satellite “Shuilixing No. 1” has been successfully launched and is expected to be put into use before next year’s flood season.
According to the latest news from the Ministry of Water Resources, on December 17th at…