From January, these new regulations will be implemented
Starting from January 2025, a series of new regulations will be implemented, covering areas such…
Innovative traditional festival celebration forms, Shanghai Internet enterprises’ series of activities for “Chinese festivals” are very attractive.
Under the trend of "National Style + National Tide", "Intangible Cultural Heritage + AI", "Science…
Hello 2025 | Shanghai is lively and festive on New Year’s Eve as people enjoy romantic ice and snow and go shopping fervently
As the clock ticks away, we are a few hours away from welcoming 2025. On…
Zeng Qingsheng (Jiang Zi), a winner of the Lu Xun Literary Award, has been elected as the chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Writer’s Association.
According to the official WeChat account of the Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Literary and Art…
Top 10 News in Shanghai in 2024
**1. General Secretary Xi Jinping's Reply to the “Old Poplar Propaganda Assembly” in Yangpu District**…
“Stay committed after retirement and remain in the party even after leaving the position”. Thirteen advanced individuals who are retired cadres were honored in Shanghai.
On December 31, 2024, the national advanced collective and individual recognition ceremony for retired cadres…
Four advanced collectives of retired cadres in Shanghai honored for embodying their belief in the “red” of sunset
They are the "Old Willow Tree Propagation Meeting" team in Shanghai's Yangpu District, who are…
Yao Yang: “Meritocracy” is a good thing in principle, but when carried to an extreme, it becomes a “rat race”.
【Editor's Note】 As 2024 comes to a close, we pause to reflect on the past…
New young man in the village ⑪|Huang Chao: Builder from the rural path to the great garden
**Editor's Note**: The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by vibrant individuals, whose innovation,…
Reply from the Ministry of Water Resources to The Paper: It will plan to build a new pattern of flood prevention and disaster relief in river basins.
This year, some regions in China have suffered from the impact of typhoons and heavy…
New young man in the village ⑪|Huang Chao: Builder from the rural path to the great garden
**Editor's Note**: The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by vibrant individuals, whose innovation,…
The newcomer young man in the village (⑪)|Huang Chao: the builder from the rural path to the big garden
**Press Translation of Rural Revival with the Arrival of Young Entrepreneurs in Jiangcun** **Editor's Note**:…
The railway Spring Festival travel tickets for 2025 will go on sale today.
Reporter from The Paper learned from China Railway Group Limited (hereinafter referred to as "China…
The newcomer young man in the village (⑪) | Huang Chao: from the rural path to the builder of the great garden
**Editor's Note**: The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by vibrant individuals, whose innovation,…
New young man in the village ⑪|Huang Chao: Builder from the rural path to the great garden
**Editor's Note**: The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by vibrant individuals, whose innovation,…
New young man in the village ⑪|Huang Chao: from country lane to the builder of the big garden
**Press Translation of Rural Revival with the Arrival of Young Entrepreneurs in Jiangcun** Driven by…
New young man in the village ⑪|Huang Chao: Builder from the rural path to the great garden
**Editor's Note**: The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by vibrant individuals, whose innovation,…
Looking ahead to China in 2025: These major events deserve attention
Report from China News on December 31, 2024 in Beijing: As we reach the end…
Intensive Adjustments to Main Officials in Jiangsu District and County: Kunshan First to Welcome a Female Secretary, Three “New Faces” Born in the 1980s
Recently, there has been a round of intense adjustments to the political leadership of several…
Life with extraordinary circumstances: 36 years with hemophilia – the happiness lies in taking care of those who gave me life and raising up my own children
Guan Ming (alias) is a 36-year-old man. When he was young, he often had skin…
During the Spring Festival transportation period, the railway 12306 has piloted the “systematic automatic submission of ticket orders” function.
PENGPAI News learned from the Railway 12306 Science and Technology Innovation Center that on December…
Shanghai South Railway Station will usher in the “high-speed rail era” on January 5 next year, with high-speed trains accounting for 60% of the trains operated.
On December 30th, reporters from Shanghai Railway Station (which covers Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai South…
Year-End Special Feature: As You Grow Old | What Kind of “Daycare Center” Is More Popular Among the Elderly in a Megacity
【编者按】 随着时光的推移,我们逐渐接近2025年,而这一年对于我国的老年群体来说,具有特殊的意义。随着老龄化程度的加深,如何守护好老年人的晚年生活成为了社会关注的焦点。在此背景下,社区养老成为了越来越多老年人的选择。而日间照护中心作为社区养老的一种形式,更是受到了广大老年人的欢迎。近日,澎湃新闻记者对上海的几家日间照护中心进行了深入的采访,探索社区养老背后的故事,同时也呈现了老年人的需求和日间照护机构如何提供服务的现状。 数据显示,我国老年人口数量庞大,老龄化程度不断加深。在此背景下,上海作为最早进入老龄化的城市之一,其在养老服务方面的探索和实践具有重要的借鉴意义。 一、日间照护中心的现状 上海的日间照护中心形式多样,有的嵌入社区养老服务综合体,有的则独立运营。这些日间照护中心大多提供托老服务,为老年人提供社交、娱乐、膳食等服务。同时,也有一些日间照护中心提供更为专业的服务,如认知症老人的照护等。 二、老人的需求与购买意愿 在采访中,记者发现老年人对照护服务的需求多样,有的需要日常看护,有的需要专业照护。而对于付费意愿,老年人对于日常看护型服务的付费意愿较低,但对于专业照护型服务则有一定的购买意愿。此外,老年人对于养老的理念也在逐渐转变,越来越多的老年人开始接受并选择社区养老的方式。 三、服务定位与差异化竞争 为了更好地满足老年人的需求,日间照护中心需要进行服务的定位和差异化竞争。有的日间照护中心注重社交,有的注重专业照护。同时,为了更好地满足老年人的需求,一些日间照护中心还在进行设施的改造和服务的升级。此外,还有一些日间照护中心正在尝试与医疗机构合作,为老年人提供更全面的服务。 四、政府角色与市场力量 在养老服务的发展中,政府扮演了重要的角色。通过制定政策和提供资金支持,政府推动了养老服务的发展。同时,市场力量也在养老服务中发挥了重要的作用。随着市场化的逐步发展,养老服务的供给也在逐渐丰富,出现了各种个性化、差异化的服务。 五、展望与总结 随着老龄化程度的加深,社区养老将成为未来养老的重要方式之一。而日间照护中心作为社区养老的一种形式,将在养老服务中发挥重要的作用。未来,日间照护中心需要更好地满足老年人的需求,提供更为专业和精细化的服务。同时,政府需要继续支持养老服务的发展,推动服务的分层和梯度建设,让老人与家庭获得更多的选择。此外,也需要引导公众理解养老服务的责任和分担,养成更先进的养老观念和消费习惯。 总之,守护好老年人的晚年生活需要政府、市场、社会协同配合,而日间照护中心作为社区养老的一种形式,将在未来的养老服务中发挥重要的作用。
Observation | What will Shanghai do next year? The plenary session of the Municipal Party Committee has “marked key points” for economic and social development
As the year-end approaches, it is a critical period for summing up the year's work…
The weather in Shanghai will turn warmer notably with the highest temperature reaching 13℃ tomorrow, and it will drop slightly on New Year’s Day.
Shanghai will generally maintain a sunny and mostly dry weather pattern next week, with slight…
Chen Nianxi: I am a lazy person, and writing is not my profession or ideal
【编者按】 随着2024年的脚步渐近尾声,我们停下匆忙的脚步,打捞过往的故事和声音,在喧嚣中寻找和回望,带着沉淀后的眼睛面向未来。每个人的生命历险中,或许隐藏着更多的答案。 今日头条与澎湃新闻联合举办的“当我们谈论2024时”年度演讲在东方艺术中心拉开帷幕。演讲者张雨霏、曾美慧孜、梁永安、毛尖、王怡霖、陈年喜、方励、姚洋,与三百位观众一同进行精神的求索,寻找共同的经验和记忆,于不确定的时代,看见差异,也看见连接。 文学是一场相见。陈年喜,一名来自陕西商洛的写作者,分享了他的主题“那些不经意中抵达的远方”。他提到,创作从未有强烈的目的性,但文学本身成为了他的精神家园和目的地。他的新作《峡河西流去》描绘了家乡的风物人事,通过写作,他重新认识了故乡,也重新认识了人与人之间的联系。 每个人都在失去故乡。陈年喜的经历是这一点的最好注解。他的生活经历、打工经历以及回到家乡后的感受,让他更加深刻地认识到故乡的消逝和人与人之间的情感纽带的重要性。创作是他的救赎,也是他与故乡、与他人建立联系的方式。 当谈及现在和未来,陈年喜强调了文学的意义在于让人们找到自己的来路和去路,无论是回得去的还是回不去的生命之乡、精神之乡。他也谈到了科技发展对写作的影响,但坚信写作最重要的是对生活的理解和对人的理解。 关于民间写作立场,陈年喜表示他一直坚持的是基于自己生活经验的写作。他认为不要把文学想得太复杂,也不要把理想放得太大。作品最重要的是能否为当下同代人感同身受。 他的人生和写作都在转型,但他始终保持着对故乡的执念和对文学的热爱。他决定动笔写故乡时,意识到写作是他的精神家园。他想要说出人的来路和去处,人的微小和挣扎,生死悲欣。他的写作并不专业,但却是他的生活方式和爱好。他希望通过写作与遥远的读者建立联系,分享他对生活的感悟和人生的挣扎。他也一直在探索新的领域和表达方式如电商、社交媒体等,让自己的作品更好地传播并与更多人产生共鸣。对于未来他充满期待并计划继续深入探索生活的每一个角落捕捉那些生活的细节和感悟将之转化为鲜活的作品献给读者。对于文学创作他认为应该注重感性感受关注生活本身不要被具体的概念或标签所框定生活本身就是一部包罗万有的“万科全书”。他希望自己的作品能够传达出生活的真实和人性的复杂激发读者的共鸣和思考为人们带来迷茫的释怀和生命与文学的启示。谢谢大家!
The Anti-Online Violence Forum of Shanghai is held, and all walks of life jointly explore the governance of online violence and the construction of a clear online space.
2024 Shanghai Anti-Internet Violence Forum held on December 28th On December 28th, the Shanghai Anti-Internet…
Xing Qiuhan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and outstanding expert in the field of solid rocket technology, passed away at the age of 95.
Pioneer News reported that from the Fourth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology…
New young man in the village ⑥|Fu Hanlu: “Embroidery Second-generation” Overseas Returnee Mends Broken Threads and Promotes His Home Village
【编者按】 时代前行的步伐由鲜活个体所推动和构成,个体的创新、探索和奋斗是推动时代进步的重要力量。越来越多的年轻人选择到农村发展,“望穿山水,见到产业;记住乡愁,看到奔头”已成为他们的共识。澎湃新闻系列报道《百村安居图·第4季:村里新来的年轻人》,联合多所高校共同开展2024澎湃中国乡村振兴调研行,聚焦青年在返乡创业路上的苦与甜。 上海交通大学媒体与传播学院“问策乡野,观变田园”暑期社会实践团队于2024年7月6日至7日前往苏州进行实地调研。他们深入这片充满诗意的土地,以镜头捕捉苏绣的细腻之美,用微短剧《绣梦乡村》讲述“绣二代”府涵璐的乡村创业故事。此次实践不仅是对苏绣这一非物质文化遗产的学习,更是一次以苏绣为媒介,展现乡村新面貌,促进乡村振兴的深度探索。 涧里村位于苏州市吴中区光福镇,素有“湖光山色,洞天福地”的美称。这里的人们依靠勤劳的双手劳作,园艺栽培和苏绣技艺在这里代代相传。近年来,涧里村积极响应国家乡村振兴战略的号召,大力发展现代农业和乡村旅游。涌现出了一批像府涵璐这样的海归女性领军人才,他们回乡领办合作社,挖掘乡村产业资源,注册农产品品牌,探索“农创+文创”发展模式。 新来的年轻人——府涵璐,是苏州吴中区光福镇涧里村的苏绣世家出身。作为苏绣发源地之一的光福镇,“家家能刺绣,户户有绣娘”的浓厚氛围让府涵璐与针线结下了不解之缘。然而进入千禧年后,国内非遗文化的保护与传承面临诸多挑战,苏绣亦如此。留学归来的府涵璐开阔了自身的视野,更加认识到“文化”在当代的重要性。她巧妙地将苏绣融入课堂,让更多人了解中国的传统文化。面对苏绣缺乏新鲜血液的窘境,府涵璐决定投身创业,带领绣娘们从“打工人”变为自己事业的“主人”,提升她们的社会地位和酬劳水平。 府涵璐还希望通过融合非遗苏绣和传统园艺两大特色产业,推出“轻绣森林”项目。这不仅为游客提供了享受田园生活、体验苏绣艺术的场所,也带动了绣品、农产品的销售,推动了当地乡村经济的发展。如今,“轻绣森林”年接待游客超万人次,带动绣品和农产品销售,实现休闲旅游农业综合收入近百万。随着游客数量的增加,村民们自发开设了农家乐和民宿,进一步丰富了乡村旅游的业态。 展望未来,府涵璐希望推动苏绣非遗“出海”,让东西方文化的交流能让外国友人领略到苏绣的古典韵味,传播中国传统文化。同时,她也希望中国匠人能借鉴国际“品牌化”的运营模式,实现苏绣在现代的创造性发展。 经过实地调研和采访,实践团成员们深刻感受到了苏绣作为非物质文化遗产的魅力,以及它在乡村振兴战略下的新生。他们见证了府涵璐等众多苏绣传承人与创新者的共同努力,让苏绣这一承载着中华民族千年文化精髓的艺术瑰宝以前所未有的姿态扬帆出海。 此次实践不仅让同学们记录了许多动人的瞬间,更见证了乡村振兴战略的生动实践。古老技艺焕发新生的动人故事正在被创业青年们书写着新时代的和美乡村故事。通过本次实践,同学们深刻认识到青春的力量和担当,在记录和见证中感受到了自己的成长和收获。
Today, the temperature in Xujiahui Station of Shanghai reached 1.0℃, a record low for the past six months.
Today (December 29th), the lowest temperature in Shanghai in the second half of the year…
The world’s fastest high-speed train has been unveiled! The prototype of CR450 multiple-unit train with the speed of 400 km/h has been released
I have received information from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as…
How to rectify the chaos and improve the rules when the public parking spaces in residential areas are occupied in violation of regulations?
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New young man in the village Part ⑤|Xu Hanying: after 29 years, coming back to his hometown from outside
【Editor's Note】 The wheel of history is propelled and shaped by the vibrant individuals who…
Enshi Shizi Pass tourist area resumes operation after being suspended due to a floating bridge accident in the water.
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Exclusive Interview with Zhang Xiaosheng, Senior Partner at Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm: Online Violence Evidence Collection and Rights Protection Need Further “Cost Reduction and Efficiency Increase”
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Anti-online violence · public discussion | Be vigilant about online violence becoming an illegal private punishment
On December 27th, Dujiangyan, Sichuan reported that two individuals have been transferred for prosecution for…
The investigation is on against Zhou Jiabin, deputy director of the Guangxi Autonomous Region People’s Congress Standing Committee and Party secretary of Guilin Municipal Committee.
On December 28th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory…
Action in Accordance with Law to Forge a Partnership for Co-governance: 22nd Shanghai Online Violence Prevention Forum to Be Launched Today in Shanghai
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The section from Nanning to Yulin of the Nanning-Guangzhou High Speed Rail will be opened on December 30, marking Yulin entering the high-speed rail era.
The reporter from The Paper learned from China Railway Corporation Limited that the Nanning-Zhuhai High-Speed…
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Several hospitals have released the latest delivery data: will the birth population increase due to the preference for the Year of the Dragon?
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Game refund scam: multiple social platforms are used to attract customers and “collect money” by legal consulting services as cover.
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Clear the浦江and Rectify the Algorithm Abuse: Shanghai Municipal Internet Information Office Issues Reporting Guidelines for Typicathle Algorithm Issues
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Xu Jian has been appointed as the vice mayor of Chongqing across provinces, previously serving as secretary of the Qingpu District Party Committee in Shanghai.
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Shanghai: Establish a World-Class Artificial Intelligence Industry Ecology by the End of 2025
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Jiangsu High-speed Train’s Future “Transfer King”, the Yancheng-Wuxi Railway, Starts Construction, Building a 2-Hour Transportation Circle
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Fu Yao, 33 years old and currently the deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League Jixi Municipal Committee, is proposed to be appointed as an official at the department level.
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China’s manufacturing in cities through billions of export data
You may have heard that in the world, 6 out of every 10假发come from Xuchang…